SO-Aware highlighted at the 3rd SOA Symposium
This week I had the pleasure of presenting a session about lightweight, REST-AtomPub-based, collaborative SOA Governance at the 3rd SOA Symposium in Berlin. The session was based on the principles and techniques behind our SO-Aware product and it was gratifying to see the warm reception our young product received from the attendees.
I had a very enthusiastic audience and a lot of intelligent questions. I was particularly happy to see how well some of our radical ideas that challenge traditional SOA Governance resonate with the audience. This is just another fact that confirms that the big SOA governance vendors are JUST NOT GETTING IT ;)
The slides for my presentation are available for download here
In the afternoon I had the honor of participating in a panel about Cloud Computing principles with some highly recognized industry experts such as David Chou. We had a lot of interesting debates with the audience and even among ourselves.
For being such a young conference, the SOA Symposium organizers have managed to congregate some of the top speakers in the fields of SOA and Cloud Computing. I am enthusiastically looking forward to the next edition of this conference (I heard is in a fun place in South America ;))