REST at the Orlando Code Camp

Thanks to all the folks who attended to my session at the New York City Connected Systems User Group. As usual (in that User Group) I got a lot of interesting questions and feedback. Special kudos to Kent Brown who does a phenomenal job running the user group.  I will publish the slides and demos early next week.

But we still have more REST for you.....

Next Saturday I will be presenting a similar talk at the Orlando Code Camp ( ). Although I've presented in a lot of Code Camps in the past, ironically, this is my first presentation at a Code Camp in Florida. I've heard great things about the organizers and I am really looking forward to the experience. So if you are attending to the Orlando Code Camp and you are intrigued about REST concepts, patterns and a lot of WCF extensibility tricks I hope to see you at my session. I promise to finish right on time for lunch J

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