Enterprise Mobility Best Practices With Chris Love
mobility is one of the hottest trends in today’s IT industry. However, like any
other emerging technology space, the industry is still trying to learn about
the challenges and establish best practices and patterns that can help
organizations to efficiently leverage the connected devices revolution. Selecting
the right technology stacks or frameworks, making appropriate choice between
native, hybrid or mobile-web applications to the techniques, integrating mobile
applications to backend systems in your datacenter or correctly testing and
manage mobile application are just some of the challenges faced on the journey
to the mobile enterprise
Thursday, Tellago’s enterprise mobility
practice lead Chris Love will be
hosting a webinar
to discuss some of the patterns, best practices and technologies that can help
organizations to efficiently build enterprise mobile applications. Chris is a well-known thought leader
in the enterprise mobility space and one of the most knowable and pragmatic
architects you will ever meet ;)
Chris will be showing some practical
solutions to some the most important challenges in mobile enterprise solutions. If we
have time, Chris might even give you a sneak pick of a new and super exciting
enterprise mobility platform we have been working on.
If you are
interested in enterprise mobility you must attend this webinar, Chris promises to keep things