BizTalk Server governance using SO-Aware

Based on the great feedback we received from our previous webinar about BizTalk Server and SO-Aware and given that few folks missed it due to some technical challenges, we've decided to repeat the webinar this Thursday. The contents are going to be almost identical although we are going to show a few new tools/demos J

Again here is a summary of what we are planning on covering:

  • Centralizing WCF adapters configuration using SO-Aware
  • Centralizing WCF-LOB adapters configuration using SO-Aware
  • Using the SO-Aware resolver for the BizTalk ESB toolkit
  • Dynamically resolving WCF configuration using SO-Aware
  • Monitoring BizTalk-hosted WCF services using SO-Aware
  • Testing BizTalk-hosted WCF services using SO-Aware
  • And more....

You can register for the webinar here:

I hope to see you there. Bring your BizTalk/SOA governance questions :)

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