Jesus Rodriguez's WebLog
Microsoft MVP BizTalk Server Oracle ACE
My Latest Article: Using the Cloud to Enable Next-Generation Enterprise Mobility Solutions
My latest article about enterprise mobility practice is now available in the Cloud Computing Journal. The article summarizes a lot of the lessons we learned during the development of Moesion and that will be at the core of Tellago’s enterprise mobility practice.
Moesion Webinar: Managing BizTalk Server from your Smartphone or Tablet Without Upsetting your Boss
My Speaking Engagements in the Last Two Months
I’ve been so busy lately with the activities around Moesion that I haven’t had time to blog about a couple of great conferences I had the opportunity to speak at in the last two months.
Software Architect Conference, UK (
This conference is becoming one of my favorite events of the year. As always Nick Payne and his team did a remarkable job lining up an all-star group of speakers that covered some of the hottest topics in today’s software industry. The first day of the conference I had the opportunity to speak about NOSQL databases from a .NET developer perspective to a very enthusiastic crowd that packed the room and bombarded me with tons of smart questions. You can find the slide deck below.NOSQL Databases for the .NET DeveloperAfter that, I presented a session about WCF tips and tricks that covered a lot of the lessons we have learned when working on large SOA solutions with customers as well as during the development of SO-Aware.View more presentations from jesusmrvMaking WCF SimpleView more presentations from jesusmrvCloud Computing Expo, CA(
The Cloud Computing Expo is slowly becoming the most important cloud computing conference of the year. This edition hosted speakers from the most important cloud computing vendors in the current market. I had the opportunity of presenting a session about one of my favorite topics these days: Enterprise Mobility. Without exaggerating, I can rate this session as one of my best experiences speaking at a conference. The room was packed and people were literally standing during the entire hour. The audience was completely engaged on the topic and they literally stayed for another 45 mins after the session asking questions and participating in the discussions. I was extremely exhausted that evening after haven’t flown 6 hrs from Miami, presented a Moesion webinar , met partners, customers, etc but the audience made a complete difference in my experience. I would really like to thank to anybody who attended that session. Below you can find the slide deck of that presentation.Enterprise MobilityView more presentations from jesusmrv -
Getting Better at Angry Birds with Moesion
Check it out
Moesion Webinar: Be an ITPro Superhero, Manage Windows Server from your smartphone or tablet
The demand for webinars about Moesion keeps growing and tomorrow we will be hosting a new one( ) to show you how to use Moesion to manage your Windows Server infrastructure from your smartphone or tablet. Also we will discuss some of the new enhancements we've released recently as well as some of the new features we are planning to release before the end of the year. Please join me on this webinar tomorrow by registering at:
Moesion Webinar Tomorrow
Moesion’s adoption keeps skyrocketing and tomorrow we will be hosting our 2nd Moesionwebinar. We are going to be walking through real world scenarios about how to manage your IT infrastructure, whether on-premise or on the cloud, from your smartphone or tablet. We will focus on practical demonstrations that illustrate how to manage relevant IT systems such as Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, SharePoint Server, BizTalk Server and even Windows Azure.
Managing your IT Systems from your SmartPhone or Tablet: Moesion Webinar Tomorrow
This Wednesday we will hosting the first public webinar about Moesion ( ). In this webinar, we will be highlighting how you can manage your IT systems, whether on-premise on or the cloud, from your smartphone or tablet. Specifically, we will be demonstrating how you can use Moesion to manage many capabilities of your IT infrastructure including:
Speaking at the SharePoint Conference
This week I had the opportunity of co-presenting a session at the SharePoint Conference with my friend and Windows Azure AppFabric product manager Tony Meleg. This year, we decided to tap on the recent release of Office365 and presented a series of real world patterns and techniques to integrate SharePoint Online with business applications using the Windows Azure AppFabric. Specifically, we demoed a series of scenarios that highlight how to use the Azure AppFabric Service Bus, Access Control Service, Topics, Queues and other components from your SharePoint Online portal.
Managing Your Datacenter From Your Smartphone or Tablet. Moesion: The Vision, The Product, The Future
A few days ago, Tellago Studios, announced the release of Moesion, a cloud platform to manage your IT systems, whether on-premise or on the cloud, from your smartphone or tablet. Moesion attempts to make IT professionals more responsive and productive by enabling traditional system management capabilities from their mobile device without the need of a computer or a VPN connection.
Be a better IT Pro: Moesion Cartoon
Check this out! Please sign up for the private Beta at