
Apache Axis2 team announced the new release of Axis2, an implementation of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Recommendation to provide and consume Web Services.

Apache Axis2 is an effort to re-implement both Axis/Java and Axis/C++ on a new architecture. Building upon the "handler chain" model developed in Axis1, Axis2 introduces a more flexible pipeline architecture which leads itself to greater modularity and extensibility.


Axis2 Complete Features List


  • AXIOM, an XML object model working on StAX (Streaming API for XML) parsing optimized for SOAP 1.1/1.2 Messages. This has complete XML infoset support.
  • Support for One-Way Messaging (In-Only) and Request Response Messaging (In-Out)
  • Module Architecture, mechanism to extend the SOAP Processing Model
  • Module version support , can have multiple versions of the same module and use them depending on the requirement.
  • Content hierarchy
  • Archive based deployment Model and Directory based deployment model
  • JWS like deployment (making Java class into Web service)
  • WSDL Code Generation Tool for Stub and skeletons
  • WS-Addressing, both the submission (2004/08) and final (2005/08) versions
  • WSS4J module for security
  • Improved and user friendly Client API
  • WSDL2Java and Java2WSDL
  • REST (Representational State Transfer) Support
  • Transports supports: HTTP, SMTP, TCP, JMS
  • Raw XML providers
  • Support for MTOM/ MIME/ SwA
  • SAAJ implementation
  • DOOM
  • Pack/Unpack capability for the generated code
  • Axis Data Binding - ADB (Framework and Schema Compiler)
  • Numerous bug fixes since last release
  • Transport framework improvements (ListenerManager)-New
  • AxisServlet auto start when application server get start up-New
  • Module dis-engagemnt support-New
  • Loading module (.mar) from classpath-New
  • Sessions scoping for Application, SOAP, Transport and Request levels-New

Axis2 Experimental Features List


  • Server side & client side Web Service Policy support
  • ?wsdl and ?xsd support
  • Generating ServiceClient for a given WSDL and invoke the corresponding service using generated client.

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