BEA news

BEA has released to general availability both WebLogic Server 9 and the AquaLogic Service Bus, available for download from BEA's web site. Documentation for both is available on EDocs.

WebLogic Server 9.0 is fully compliant with J2EE 1.4, and is focused on simplifying and streamlining the day-to-day management of production systems. Production redeployment of updated web application versions can be done on a "side-by-side" and "sanity check" basis, with HTTP sessions gradually migrating over to the new version. WLS 9 also includes a new diagnostics service, administrative console with domain-wide change control, and full support for the Jython-based WLST scripting tool.

AquaLogic Service Bus (ALSB) is a configuration-based, policy-driven Enterprise Service Bus, based on WLS 9, with message brokering and web service management (WSM) features. It supports Xquery-based routing, many transports including filesystem, FTP, HTTP/S, JMS (including Websphere MQ and JMS/XA), and Email (POP/SMTP/IMAP), many messaging approaches including REST-style XML, WSDL-defined SOAP/XML, plain text or binary, dispatching based on header, XSD type, WS-addressing, transport header, or dynamically based on the message shape.

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