Eugenio Estrada's Weblog
AJAX: Cómo crear nuestro propio UpdateProgress
Silverlight, la web de Plain Concepts. Felicidades!
LLevaba días con ganas de verla, pero hasta ahora no pude verla.
¡Cuidado! Nuevas parejas... Mozilla, Adobe, IE, Flash... ¿?
Adobe y Mozilla conspiran para introducirse en IE... Flash y el portapeles intiman...
My rss feed has changed!
¿Quiéres saber que se cuece en .NUGG?
Oferta de trabajo en Navteq en Madrid:
Por petición de Psicotec publico la siguiente noticia:
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 released too!
Download here:
.NET Fwk 3.5 SP1 released!
Download here:
Web 4.0?
Internet’s growing up. Since the “Web 1.0”, a static Web only for readers; the Web quality is bettering. The changes into the “Internet language” (html and his extensions like XHTML, CSS, flash or JavaScript and techniques like Ajax) have became Internet in the “Web 2.0”, allowing the user to write in the web. The Web 2.0 is blogs, videos (youtube) and other social networks (facebook, linkedin, flickr, lastfm, Google maps, etc.). The new “Web 3.0” (as know as Semantic Web) isn’t real yet, the third internet version includes metadata on the web pages linking contents.
Windows Live Photo Gallery and SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition
I like the “art photo” and I used to find the photos inside my PC using a photo gallery. For a year, I used Windows Live Photo Gallery. I liked this tool ‘cause it thought that it integrates the vista indexing search service. But, after the following message, I don’t think that.