Dragan Panjkov
// ASP.NET blog
Workflow Manager installation - my experience
At first, I planned to write long blog post describing my experience during installation of Workflow Manager on my development VM. However, in order not to repeat others I decided to write only quick summary of specific steps that I made in order to successfully install Workflow Manager. Click To Read more
“All About Apps” session recording and slides
I presented this material on Microsoft TechNet Day 2012 and meeting of Macedonian SharePoint User Group in December 2012. Embedded slides and video are below. Click To View Entry
BAM Converter–now localized to German and Russian
BAM Converter is a small application for Windows Phone published at first during January 2011. This is a currency converter app that pulls exchange rates from ECB RSS feed (only on user action) and it’s functionality is available purely offline.
1SUG SharePoint User Group session “SharePoint Apps”–recording
On Tuesday, 30.10.2012 1SUG SharePoint User Group had regular monthly meeting. One of the topics presented (and, because of Sandy, single session) was my session about “SharePoint Apps in SharePoint 2013”. Session was delivered in-person in Sarajevo, and via Lync to attendees that couldn’t join us in person. Session is recorded, Click To View Entry
Using Feature to apply themes in SharePoint 2013 Preview
In my previous post I wrote about applying custom theme to SharePoint 2013 site using new theming engine. I also mentioned that one approach for implementing this functionality could be to encapsulate this code in Feature receiver. In this post, I will demonstrate and explain this approach for applying custom theme to SPWeb. Our custom theming Feature will
How to: Apply themes using Server Object Model in SharePoint 2013 Preview
One of new functionalities introduced in SharePoint 2013 Preview is new theming engine. Themes that are managed by this new engine don’t use Office Theme .thmx format and can’t be created using PowerPoint like it was case before. New themes are based on set of xml files stored in Theme Gallery “15” subfolder (on relative path _catalogs/theme/15):
Troubleshooting .NET Framework parser error after upgrade to Windows 8
After upgrading from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 8 Pro, I encountered buggy behavior of several of applications based on .NET Framework 2.0/3.5. Apparently, the error manifested itself in a way that the apps didn’t want to run properly and were failing with error “Error parsing C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config. Parser returned error 0xC00CE556”. I didn’t paying attention on this until it happened when I tried to install Visual Studio 2012 – installer simply wouldn’t start. Click To View Entry
Accessing caller web in SharePoint hosted app (SP2013 Preview)
SharePoint apps are hot topic these days, after Microsoft announced that they will be preferred development model for next major version of SharePoint products – known as SharePoint 2013. Applications will be purchased/downloaded from Office Store, or from corporate application catalog. There are 3 application models, depending on the fact where the real app code is hosted:
Feature (de)activation error “The web or site was not found” and Application Pool
I am using Microsoft IW Demo VM (2010-10A) for my experiments related to SharePoint, in all cases when I don’t have time (read: when I’m lazy) to create complete SharePoint Dev environment.
Reminder - Article about SharePoint localization
I already wrote about SharePoint localization – in January I published blog post with links for downloads of Language Interface Packs for SharePoint 2010 for official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Approximately at same time, I wrote detailed article for web portal www.hardwarebase.net, which is published in April 2012. Title of the article is “Localize your SharePoint servers for BiH languages”, and article explains process of installing SharePoint LIP and using it on Team Site.