Code Camp II Blogger Dinner

Jason Haley was gracious enough to help setup a Blogger Dinner that will be held right after the Saturday activities at Code Camp II

Date:  Saturday, October 16, 2004
Time:  9:00pm - 11:00pm (or whenever they throw us out)
Place: Lobby Bar in Westin, Waltham, MA (its the big hotel you see on the highway exit 27 on 128)

I’ll be there, along with Scott Watermasysk, Kent Tegels and Jason Bock (and we are all coming in from out of town).  Some of the locals that will be at Code Camp II include Sam Gentile, Robert Hurlbut, Chris Bowen, Thom Robbins, and Chris Pels.  Everyone is welcome to come hang out.

The preceding blog entry has been syndicated from the DonXML Demsak’s All Things Techie Blog.  Please post all comments on the original post.   

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