W3C Releases Third Working Draft of SVG 1.2
There wasn’t an official announcement, but it seems that the W3C has released the third version of the 1.2 working draft. Most folks wouldn’t even notice this, but if you check out the details, they added support for Rendering Custom Content (RCC), which happens to look a lot like the stuff in my XMLDevCon presentation. What it does is allow you to create your own custom UI Widgets (like element behaviors does) or XForms element, and bind them to transformations. This way you have code reuse, but everything is rendered down to pure SVG.
This definitely sounds a lot like what Longhorn’s Avalon API is supposed to do. Be expecting to here a lot about RCC from me in the future. The new Adobe SVG Viewer 6 preview is supposed to have some support for RCC already. As soon as I have a working version of one my SVG Widget examples, I’ll post it here so you can compare them.