Irregular expressions regularly
Justin's fine; busy, but fine.
Finally managed to get in touch with Justin over the last night. He's been busy getting things done and drifting in and out due to Christmas activities... added to that, he had taken the Christmas break to rebuild his home intranet. Not sure when we'll see him around again but it's good to know that everything is OK.
More ProjectDistributor activity - auto updater and upcoming features
Jonathon de Halleux (aka: "Peli") has just published a neat little helper assembly written in Whidbey which uses the ProjectDistributor webservices and can help detect whether there is a new Release available for download for a given project.
Today was a day of software installation
So, today I installed:
Still trying to track down Justin
Quite a few people have left comments and e-mailed me directly regarding the whereabouts of Justin ( ), so I thought that I'd leave this message to let everyone know that I'm still following up on this.
Me not nerd
Entering the world of TestDriven.NET
I've been giving serious consideration to writing a limited set of Unit Tests for the ProjectDistributor codebase - in particular, tests against the web services and several web scenatios. Today I started that journey by downloading TestDriven.NET:
Partial Book Review: Extreme Programming Adventures in C#
While reading "Extreme Programming Adventures in C#" over the past couple of days it was interesting to see how the author - Ron Jeffries - abstracts out a "model" in a GUI app that he builds and then shows that Unit tests can be run off of that.My feeling - after reading this stuff - is that, in applying the discipline of using unit tests (not necessarily TDD) would potentially have the added benefit of improve the style of your code/architecture.I'm only part way through the book but I'm really enjoying it. The style of the book is adventurous. One of the things that have turned me off of books on this topic in the past is that they edit out all of the ugliness and uncertainty that you face when you attempt to implement this stuff. Ron makes no secret of the fact that he was often uncertain when deciding over which path to take at key decision points - this makes it much easier to jump in and have a play. -
You have to love the new world of collaboration
Tonight I jumped on IM and sent a message of congratulations to Roy about his MVP award (apparently he got it 4 months ago... news to me!).
ProjectDistributor Source Code now available
The latest version of the ProjectDistributor source code is now available - this is the same version that the website is running. You can grab the code here:
Has anybody heard from Justin Rogers lately?
Justin Rogers is a brilliant guy who helped me a great deal last year with many projects. He is a prolific writer, blogger and developer... or at least he was up until early November.