David Findley's Blog

My little home in the cloud.

  • See Windows Vista

    Just came across http://www.seewindowsvista.com/. Looks like MS has put up a collection of videos to show off Vista. It's pretty funny seeing Tom Skerritt introducing the demos. If you just sit on the home page for a bit and dont click anything he starts nagging you. :)

    Most of the demos seem really geared towards business  and all are using WPF heavily. The virtual books from the British library look really cool even if it does harken back to the Saturday Night Live sketch. Go on over and take a sip of the kool-aid.

  • Windows Live OneCare is finally out...

    Nice to see that OnCare has made it out into the wild. I was on the beta for OneCare and found it to be very usable. I've used Norton AV and McAfee virus scanners in the past. I really have not liked the 3rd party antivirus apps because they eat up alot of resources and cause compatibility issues. OneCare seemed to play nice and I didnt notice any system degradation while using it. If your still riding bare back I highly suggest you try out OneCare.

    P.S. another really nice light weight virus scanner is portable clamwin. It's free and can run from your usb thumb drive. Good for those times when you have to play IT guy for your family or friends. :)

  • No more codeplex for me...

    I tried the forgot my password option and codeplex sent me the email with the link to reset my password. I clicked it and went to the page that let me specify a new password. When I submitted the form it took a long time and eventually just died with no response. (Just aborted the connection, Fiddler showed that it didnt respond with any data.). Now my account is locked out. I sent the codeplex guys an email via the contact us link about a week ago and still havnt recieved a reply. I guess I have to create a whole new login with a different email address if I want to continue trying codeplex.

    Has anyone else been able to successfully use the forgot my password option?

  • Windows Vista Photo Gallery frustrations

    I have about 20gig of digital photos. And I'm constantly adding more pictures from my Canon Digital Rebel. I am really looking forward to the Windows Photo Gallery app in Vista. I just installed Vista beta2 and the app seems to run really well.

    I have one big complaint though. The photo import for digital cameras. Why do all the photo apps insist on using the "film roll" metaphor? They all seem to want to organize the filesystem storage based on the date that you import them into the photo app. This is my biggest complaint about iPhoto as well so I'm not just picking on MS. ALL digicams these days stamp the date and time of the picture in the EXIF data. Why cant we use this data for naming the folders and files? Windows Photo Gallery can use this data but in a VERY limited way. I have all my photos organized like this on the file system:

    My Pictures\2006\May\2006-05-01 12-05-37_1.jpg
    My Pictures\Year\Month\YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS_#.jpg
    This makes it very easy to make backups of the photos because they are organized by the date and time they were taken. In the age of 1-8Gig flash cards you can take alot of pictures before importing them so the date that you get around to loading them onto the computer really has little or no meaning. This system works really well when you have tons of photos. I'll use tagging features of photo apps to organize by event types and such. I can use photo gallery to tag the pictures as "birthday" and such. But when it comes to the filesystem structure I need more control!

    It's worth noting that no photo manager out there really supports photo renaming and filesystem organizing very well. This is why I have to use Downloader Pro today.

    I really hope MS gives me more options for naming the folders and files during the photo import process. If its too hard for the grandmas to use just bury it in an advanced dialog or something I dont care. As long as I can  get the filesystem structure above I'll be happy as a clam.

  • Good writeup on CodePlex and Team Explorer

    bsimser has a good writeup on CodePlex and Team Explorer here.

    It would seem that Team Explorer still works with any TFS. I'm still in shock that MS actually did this. Now I just have to get everything set up and give it a spin.

    bsimser says that the Team Explorer client comes with TFS. I just finished downloading the CD image and I'm having problems finding a stand alone server install. I know that on MSDN theres a 5 user version of TFS that you can download separately.

  • Are you using Context.RewritePath and having problems with Themes?

    Well I sure was. I was rewriting paths in a sub folder to a single template page in the root of the site. This really monkeyed up all the paths to the App_Themes folder. None of the images or css links worked anymore. Then I found that ASP.NET 2.0 added an overload to RewritePath that takes a second param to tell it whether or not to change the virtual path. Setting this to false fixed everything!

    Check it out here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/1kz7fdx9.aspx