A VS.NET Macro to Generate Machine Keys.

I needed to create a new machine key for an asp.net site. I found a couple of command line utils out on the web that would create a new key but I thought it would be easier to just have it avail in VS.NET. So, I threw together this little macro that will generate the machine key and insert it. Just run the macro while you have you web.config open in VS.NET. If you already have a machinekey it will find it and replace it. If not it will just add it right after the <system.web> node. It should do the proper indents and everything too.

   1:  Imports System
   2:  Imports EnvDTE
   3:  Imports EnvDTE80
   4:  Imports System.Diagnostics
   6:  Public Module AspNetUtils
   8:  #Region "Helper Code"
  10:      Dim _rng As New System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider()
  12:      Private Function GetRandomData(ByVal size As Integer) As Byte()
  13:          Dim randomData(size) As Byte
  14:          _rng.GetBytes(randomData)
  15:          Return randomData
  16:      End Function
  18:      Private Function ToHex(ByVal data() As Byte) As String
  19:          Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
  20:          For i As Integer = 0 To data.Length - 1
  21:              sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", data(i))
  22:          Next
  23:          Return sb.ToString()
  24:      End Function
  26:      Private Sub WriteNewMachineKey(ByVal sel As TextSelection)
  27:          sel.Insert("<machineKey")
  28:          sel.NewLine()
  29:          sel.Insert(String.Format("validationKey='{0}'", ToHex(GetRandomData(63))))
  30:          sel.NewLine()
  31:          sel.Insert(String.Format("decryptionKey='{0}'", ToHex(GetRandomData(23))))
  32:          sel.NewLine()
  33:          sel.Insert("decryption='SHA1'")
  34:          sel.NewLine()
  35:          sel.Insert("/>", vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsContainNewText)
  36:          sel.Unindent()
  37:          sel.Collapse()
  38:      End Sub
  40:  #End Region
  42:  #Region "Macros"
  44:      Public Sub GenerateMachineKey()
  45:          If Not DTE.ActiveDocument Is Nothing AndAlso DTE.ActiveDocument.Name.ToLower() = "web.config" Then
  46:              Dim sel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
  48:              If sel.FindPattern("\<machineKey((:b|\n)*:i=:q)*(:b|\n)*/\>", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart Or vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchInHiddenText Or vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsRegularExpression) Then
  49:                  ' Replace an existing <machineKey /> element
  50:                  sel.Delete()
  51:                  WriteNewMachineKey(sel)
  52:              ElseIf sel.FindText("<system.web>", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart Or vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchInHiddenText) Then
  53:                  ' insert the new machineKey just after the <system.web> element
  54:                  sel.Collapse()
  55:                  sel.NewLine()
  56:                  WriteNewMachineKey(sel)
  57:              Else
  58:                  ' no <system.web> element found so just collapse the current selection and insert
  59:                  ' the new key at the cursor location
  60:                  sel.Collapse()
  61:                  WriteNewMachineKey(sel)
  62:              End If
  63:          End If
  64:      End Sub
  66:  #End Region
  68:  End Module

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