Bare Bones Avalon Hello World App

Here's the most basic Avalon app I could make:

using System;
using MSAvalon.Windows;
public class MyApp : Application
    private Window win;
    protected override void OnStartingUp(StartingUpCancelEventArgs e)
        win =
new Window();
        win.Text = "Hello World!";

    public static void Main()
        MyApp app =
new MyApp();

use this command line to build:

csc /t:winexe /r:WindowsBase.dll,PresentationCore.dll,PresentationFramework.dll Hello.cs

Alternatively you can slap the following into a .proj file and use MSBuild to compile the app:

<Project DefaultTargets="Build">
        <Property Language="C#" />
        <Property TargetName="Hello" />

    <Import Project="$(LAPI)\" />

        <Item Type="Compile" Include="*.cs" />

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