Craig Shoemaker

Craig Shoemaker is a developer, instructor, writer, podcaster, and a man of many hats at Infragistics.

  • Architecting Web Scalability

    <p>While at TechEd 2008 I had a chance to sit down with <a href="" mce_href="">Udi Dahan</a>
    and the architects of <a href="" mce_href="">Velocity</a>. Udi tells a story of what types of 
    problems you may quickly run into while trying to scale your web applications and what you can do to help alleviate those problems.
    The Velocity guys give us and introduction to this new technology and tell us where we can find out more information.</p>
    <h3><a href="" mce_href="">Listen to the Show</a></h3>
    <h2 style="margin: 8px 0px 0px;">"Enter Complexitor"</h2>
    <p><a href="" mce_href="">Scott Fletcher</a> does it again with a great new comic series. This week 
    we are treated to the rise of Complexitor. This series is A LOT OF FUN -
    <a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">check it out!</a></p>
    <a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank"><img src="" mce_src="" alt="Enter Complexitor" title="Enter Complexitor" width="380" border="0"></a>

  • The Performance of Everyday Things

    Each day we all use everyday things to accomplish everyday tasks. For programmers our everyday tools are arrays, loops and OOP constructs. We all use them, but are we all aware of the performance implications? In his talk, The Performance of Everyday Things, Jeffery Richter asks the question, "Do you know what goes on under the hood in .NET?"

  • Rockstar Dynamic Data Customizations

    Welcome to the Dynamic Data Scorecard series which shows you how to customize a Dynamic Data (DD) website beyond the traditional scaffolding demos. You will learn to use the DynamicControl inside a ListView to leverage the template-based flexibility of DD. Along the way you’ll see how easy it is to integrate third-party controls into the scaffolding system to make working with your data a simple process.