Smart People, Cool Clients & Surface at MIX

The saying, "the content isn’t what’s important at a conference – it’s the people" is approaching hallmark cliché status. The thing is with stereotypes, generalizations and clichés – they exist for a reason.

The OpenSpace/Sandbox area was one of my favorite places to spend time while at MIX last month. While there I was able to track down user experience guru Lou Carbone. Lou was kind enough to spend a few minutes with me discussing one of my favorite questions, "how can software developers learn to create better user experiences?"

I ask this question a lot. I know. The point is though that this is a question that is different from the "best way to implement the provider model". Each person, although often beating around the same bush, has a unique perspective to add that can really teach all of us developer types something new.

Filed under the slightly "ironic" label is a demonstration I recorded of the new Yahoo! Messenger that is written in WPF. I had to laugh as the Yahoo! people were very nice, but a little guarded to Microsoft crowd in light of the Microhoo acquisition proposal.

Check out Josh Jacobson’s demo:

You can download the Yahoo! Messenger now. Note: the preview Josh was referring to in the video is now publicly available!

…now I just wonder if the Y! Messenger will add Twitter support?

I also got to see a demonstration of Surface in person. I really can’t wait until these things are installed at every restaurant in the nation. This will take so many experiences to the next level.

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