Professional Activity August 2008 to Date

Every year around this time I turn my attention to what I’ve done over the past year in order to update my MVP profile. While the engine Microsoft provides has many ways to list accomplishments and activities, I’ve always had a difficult time trying to find the right way to list my activities over the year.

Often at the end of the year bloggers will list links to the “greatest hits” posts for readers to review. I thought I’d turn it up a notch. The following links represent just about everything I’ve done from August 2008 to date.

Hopefully you’ll find something fun or valuable below that you may have missed this last year :)

Podcast Episodes

Video Interviews

  1. Introducing Silverlight Data Visualization
  2. Lap Aroung Web Client 2009 Vol1 & Coming Vol2 Features


  1. WebDataGrid Paging with the WebSlider
  2. WebDataGrid Paging Overview: Part 1 and Part 2
  3. Drag and Drop Rows Between WebDataGrids
  4. WebDataGrid in ASP.NET MVC : Hello World
  5. Issue Tracker Code Review : NetAdvantage ASP.NET in ASP.NET MVC
  6. WebDropDown Multi-Select – Selections Handled on the Server
  7. WebDropDown Multi-Select – Selections Handled on the Client
  8. Embedding the WebProgressBar Inside a WebDataGrid Custom Column
  9. Introduction to the Infragistics Drag and Drop Framework
  10. Persist WebDataGrid Moved Columns
  11. WebDropDown Data Paging
  12. WebDropDown Lazing Loading
  13. WebProgressBar Setting the Value
  14. WebDataGrid Custom Row Edit Template
  15. WebDropDown Custom Templates
  16. WebDataMenu Custom Templates
  17. WebDataTree Custom Templates
  18. WebDataGrid: Create a Custom Pager Template
  19. WebSplitterControl: Hiding the Split Bar
  20. WebSplitterControl: Hello World
  21. WebDataGrid Control Templates
  22. WebDataGrid Client Row Selection
  23. WebDialogWindow: Hello World
  24. WebDialogWindow: Exploring Common Properties
  25. WebDialogWindow: Creating a Wizard
  26. Introduction to WebSpellChecker
  27. Implementing Auto Check with WebSpellChecker
  28. Spell Check Multiple Controls on a Page
  29. WebImageViewer Introduction
  30. Customizing WebDataGrid Columns
  31. Creating Custom WebDataGrid Headers and Footers
  32. Introduction to the WebDataGrid Read-Only Behaviors
  33. Customizing WebDataGrid Column Resizing Behavior
  34. WebDataGrid: Ajax Master/Detail Page
  35. Implementing the Live Form Ajax Pattern
  36. WebDataGrid CRUD Behaviors
  37. Using the Silverlight Commanding Framework with Model-View-ViewModel
  38. Edit to xamWebGrid Cell Styles in Expression Blend
  39. Introduction to xamWebGrid Template Columns
  40. Introduction to xamWebGrid Sorting
  41. Overview of xamWebGrid Row Customizations
  42. Customizing xamWebGrid Paging Template
  43. Customizing xamWebGrid GroupBy Headers
  44. Using xamWebGrid Edit Mode Events
  45. Introduction to xamWebGrid Edit Behaviors
  46. Conditional Cell Formatting in the xamWebGrid
  47. Introduction to xamWebGrid Column Moving
  48. Introduction to xamWebGrid Fixed Columns
  49. Add Silverlight Controls to the Visual Studio Toolbox
  50. Overview of Basic xamWebGrid Behaviors


  1. Secrets of Real World Dynamic Data Websites, Wrox, March 2009, 34 pages


  1. Secrets of Real World Dynamic Data Websites
    • Southern California Code Camp, 1/09
    • Orange County .NET User Group, 9/08
    • Los Angeles .NET User Group, 11/08
    • San Diego .NET User Group, 1/09



  1. Introduction to the Infragistics Web Drag and Drop Framework
  2. Learn to Build a WebDataGrid Custom Pager
  3. Implementing an Ajax Live Form with NetAdvantage Web Client Controls
  4. Building a Master/Detail Page with WebDataGrid
  5. Implementing WebDataGrid Client Side Search



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