Podcast: HTML5, CSS3 and More Developer Enhancements in IE9

Senior Project Manager for Internet Explorer, Pete LePage (@petele), joins Pixel8 to discuss the upcoming HTML5 and CSS3 support for IE9 along with a review additional developer enhancements coming in IE9.

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What’s Coming in IE9?

  • Hardware acceleration
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript optimizations
  • Selection API
  • Media queries

HTML5… So What’s Taking So Long?

  • The spec has some stable parts, but much of it is still some still volatile
  • Pete discusses how the W3C will decide when the HTML5 spec is “done”
  • Dangers of developing against a moving target (for browser makers as well as web developers)


You can experience the ongoing support for HTML5 by visiting http://ietestdrive.com:

Parts of HTML5 that are support in IE9 include:


Also in the interview…

Pete and Craig also discuss:

  • Are the Browser Wars Back?
  • What is the Platform Preview?
  • How is JavaScript processing affected?
  • What parts of the CSS3 spec are being implemented in IE9?
  • How do media queries work?
  • What does the selection API do?

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