Podcast: Debugging Made Easy

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Josh Smith, former developer for the New York Times WPF reader talks to us today about his experiences in creating Mole, a debugger visualizer for Visual Studio. You can find details about Mole at http://moleproject.com/.

Karl Shifflett (affectionatley known as the "Molenator") recently posted some Mole training videos on YouTube. check them out here!

If you would like to provide feedback to the Mole team, you can send an email to moleproject@yahoo.com.

Josh is currently a Guidisan at Infragistics in the User Experience Guidance Group, a blogger in the WPF space and a Microsoft MVP from his work in WPF.

Josh's other projects include:

I received an interesting letter this week from Trek:

Hi Craig,

I was inspired by the Jean Paul Boodhoo interview to pipe up and say hello. I'm not an .NET developer (or even a user of Microsoft products really), but I've been a longtime listener to the podcast. Jean Paul mentioned that everyone should keep out of their own little idea bubble and branch out - and that's exactly why I listen to the podcast.

I do most of my work in Ruby on Rails and it's be fascinating watching ideas from Rails leak into other development tools (.NET included) and to see how much of Rails was inspired by the great bits I've seen elsewhere. Three cheers for diversity!

For those who don't pay attention to such stuff, there are a lot of new development frameworks out there, so I thought I'd share a list of my favorites and encourage listeners who *are* .NET developers to branch out and take a look. I've learned a lot from peeking into the .NET world and I know these other frameworks will benefit from some outside perspectives:


If you get a chance take some time to look into these frameworks.

Audio Production

Thanks to David Gilden for his help in audio production. I think some of you should start to hear some changes to the production.

Looks like I am going to get my new software and equipment this week so for those of you who are interested listen up and tell me if you like the changes.

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