Gu & Guy Speak, Controversy and MVC Contrib

Getting back into the swing of things after MIX08 has proven to be fun and productive. I have a number of podcasts that I hope you can find the time to check out. (It almost seems like we need to make our commutes longer just so we can consume all the new content that’s being created each week!)

Interviews with Scott Guthrie and Guy Kawasaki at MIX

First things first if you haven’t had a chance to listen to the MIX08 Keynote Highlights show I did for pixel8 then you are missing out on a real gem. We have excerpts from the keynote speeches as well as personal interviews with Scott Guthrie and Guy Kawasaki. Hear first-hand as Guy Kawasaki checks to make sure his MacBook Air still works after Steve Ballmer drops it on stage!

Craig Shoemaker interviews Guy Kawasaki at MIX08 after the keynote interview. 

Check out the show here:

Version Targeting Controversy

Over the last month the standards community was all in a stir over IE8’s new proposed version targeting functionality. Causing the most contention was the concept that the browser would have a default behavior of rendering web pages as if it were IE7 not IE8. This bruha-ha led me to standards guru Jeffrey Zeldman and IE Platform Architect Chris Wilson. Each of these gentlemen were very generous with their time in granting insightful interviews that shed light on the matter from two different perspectives.

Check out the shows here:

Oh and just before MIX, the IE team announced that they reversed their decision and will provide the most standards-compliant behavior for IE8 out-of-the-box. Our interview with Chris covers the perspective before and after this decision.

MVC Contrib and Jeffrey Palermo

Jeffrey Palermo has been working with ASP.NET MVC since before it was even released as a CTP. This experience has paid off. Jeff and his gang have been building MVC Contrib the go-to-place extra functionality to plug in to your applications once you spin up a new ASP.NET MVC project.

Another iron in his fire is a new book that’s in the works: ASP.NET MVC in Action. The code from the book is the basis for what’s being built at Code Camp Server. Listen to Jeffrey talk about all of this as well as some tips and common gotchas often encountered while working with ASP.NET MVC applications:

Just a reminder, if you’re not following me on Twitter you are missing out on early access to guests on both the Polymorphic Podcast and pixel8. I'll let you know when someone is slated to come on and you can send in your questions!

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