ASP.NET Ajax Library Beta with Stephen Walther

Stephen Walther (@swalther) and Craig Shoemaker discuss the latest announcements surrounding the ASP.NET Ajax Library during PDC09.

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A New Name a New Home

What's New for the Beta?

  • OSS and inclusion in the CodePlex Foundation
  • Microsoft is providing product support even as the library remains OSS
  • Merging Ajax Control Toolkit (ACT) into the Ajax library

Unique Features

  • Client Script Loader - loads script dependencies in parallel
  • No installation necessary - use the CDN
  • Most ACT controls and functionality supported in client only scenario
  • ACT HTML editor not in beta, but look for it in RTM
  • Minifier functionality – includes command line tool and MS Build task
  • Preprocessor
  • Wiki for OSS documentation

Is jQuery Used Inside Ajax Controls?

  • No dependency on jQuery yet... leaving that up to developer needs

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