Have you voted yet?

Have you voted in the Packt Open Source CMS awards yet? If not head on over and be sure to vote for DotNetNuke! If you're really feeling generous you could vote for a Open Source CMS MVP as well, wink wink, nudge nudge!

From the Packt Site

"The Packt Open Source Content Management System Award is designed to encourage, support, recognize and reward Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) that have been selected by a panel of judges and visitors to www.PacktPub.com. Now entering its third year, the Award has established itself as an important measure for quality and the popularity of Open Source Content Management Systems.

The 2008 Award will continue to support a range of open source Content Management Systems with four main categories offering prize money of $5,000 for the overall winner and $2,000 for the winners of the remaining categories.

So get voting!

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