Another Chrisg or two

I was just looking to register a new domain. Selfish I know, but I have a bit of a collection of chrisg.* domains. There are a couple I don't have. is quite a nice portfolio site (Chris Gibbons). He is looking for a position if anyone needs a visionary or strategist. is my personal favourite though. It is the picture gallery of chrisg who has taken some lovely pictures of some of my favourite places in canada :O) Check them out here. Nice picture gallery code too - he has his pictures categorised by country, town, etc. Neat :O)

My pictures are hosted at (suprisingly) and is just a vanilla ngallery install. Even still advertises Thomas' design services ;O)

I guess this should have gone onto my personal blog ( but I have been neglecting this one of late and the subject is almost .net related once I mention ngallery ;O)

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