Brian Ritchie
Blogging on .NET & technology
Extracting EXIF metadata from JPG images
Drew Noakes has written a great EXIF metadata extractor for JPG images in Java which was ported to C# by Ferret Renaud. This allows you to pull out the EXIF data like camera model & date taken. You can also access the width & height of the image without loading it into a .NET image object.
Content-Centric Networking
Content-centric networking is a fundamental change in how communication is handled between distributed devices. It is PARC's vision for taking the next step in data communication — a change in network architecture to make content retrieval by name, not location, the fundamental operation of the network. Their approach replaces the machine-oriented IP model with a named content model as the basis for the central protocol that connects networks.
Document Database & RavenDB presentation posted on SlideShare
Thanks to those who were able to make my presentation at the Jax Arc SIG last night. I hope you found it increased your interest in learning more about the NOSQL movement and document databases. Other than the fire alarm testing, it was a good time.
Speaking at Jax Arc SIG on Document Databases & RavenDB
I'll be speaking on the NoSQL movement, document databases and RavenDB tomorrow at the Jacksonville Architecture Special Interest Group. Our September meeting will be this Tuesday, September 28th at 6:30PM at the Bank of America Building 500. Pizza and networking will be at 6:00 PM.
Death to Windows Services...Long Live AppFabric!
Up until now, the only option for running always on/long running processes was to build a Windows Services. While .NET made building Windows Services easier, they still come with their own set of headaches. Windows Server AppFabric adds an Auto-Start/Always-Running feature which allows IIS hosted services to behave more like traditional Windows Services. Services will automatically start when the computer boots, an application pool is started, or an IISRESET is performed.
CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Jason Gerard and I were talking about document databases the other day, and he said "Have you heard about CQRS?" This was news to me, so I started doing some research. Wikipedia, which usually provides good information, said the following "CQRS is simply the creation of two objects where there was previously only one. The separation occurs based upon whether the methods are a command or a query (the same definition that is used by Meyer in Command and Query Separation, a command is any method that mutates state and a query is any method that returns a value)."
Code Camp 2010 in Words & Pictures
Netflix Instant Streaming comes to iPhone & iPod touch
It's here! Netflix has brought their awesome instant streaming technology to the iPhone & iPod touch. I've tried it over WiFi and it is awesome. Apparently it works over 3G too.
Jacksonville .NET Code Camp 2010
This Saturday is the 6th Annual Jacksonville .NET Code Camp! It's an all day geek fest focusing on code and not marketing fluff.
Adam Savage Presents Problem Solving: How I Do It
One of the key ingredients to software development is problem solving. Knowing all the technology buzzwords is great, but if you don't have problem solving skills it is a waste. Solving these problems is also what makes software development fun. At a recent Maker Faire, Adam Savage of MythBusters fame gave a great presentation on Problem Solving. It is an excellent view. He also mixes in some "behind the scenes" stories about his MythBuster experience as an added bonus.