[Personal] Purple Lemon Photography is on the web!

Earlier this year, my wife, Nikki, and I started her own photography business, Purple Lemon Photography.  We've had a lot of fun getting setup and figuring out how to run a busines, as well as seeing how people respond to the images that Nikki takes.

Tonight marks a special night for us, and myself especially, because we finally launched her public facing website!  Go take a look.  This was a lot of fun for me, since it was the first site where I've been fully responsible for most every aspect.  I've had fun figuring out how to mold HTML & CSS in ways I'd never tried before, and am still working through getting everything out of IIS that I can.  I've also used the opportunity to start getting familiar with Git (aided by Jason Meridth's introductory Git for Windows Developers series and a free Unfuddle account).

We still have a lot of ideas for improvements that we'll be rolling out over the next weeks and months, but we're glad to finally have somewhere nice to point people.  Let us know what you think!

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