lets play catchup - BIGTIME!!!
OK, so Ive got my blog up (FINALLY!!!). Well better late than never, and when Joe Stagner from http://joeon.net offered me a blog on ASP.NET I jumped at the offer. So thanks Joe!
So here is my first post (of many I can assure you), BUT I have some serious catchup work to do. I mean, lets face it, I'm a couple years of posts behind. So where do I begin? Well to be honest I'm not quite sure myself, but I figured I should try start things off with a BANG! So I'm going to start with a series of code freebie give aways.
This first series of posts will be all about creating the ULTIMATE REUSABLE UTILITY CLASS LIBRARY, and will contain code that I have put together over the years that I have found useful in my everyday coding. Here are some areas we will cover :
- text / string utils
- ConfigurationManager utils (app settings and connection strings)
- Loging utils
- Cryptography utils
- File IO utils
- Compression utils
- Collection utils
- etc
Thats all I can think of for now, but the list will get bigger. A point I want to stress throughout this series (and blog) is COLLABORATION. I built up these utils (and most of my code) from code others have shared on the net, so this is my turn to give back to the community. I believe that by collaborating and working together we can build some awesome stuff!!
So having said that - over the next few weeks I want to chronicle the creation of the ULTIMATE REUSABLE UTILITY CLASS LIBRARY, and I want your feeback and hopefully additions to make it an UBER Utils library!!