FTP Woes and....FireFTP to the Rescue!!
I'm running Vista x64 sp1. I've had IE 7 and then IE 8 (b2) installed. I tried uploading via ftp from a)Windows Explorer, b)Visual Studio ftp, c)FireZilla, d)SmartFTP. Small files uploaded perfectly but even 150KB files kept timing out and retrying. Active/passive didn't help. Nothing helped. I tried for 28 hours to upload a 340KB file. It was infuriating. I tried from another ISP's connection. I tried from XP. Nothing worked. God knows why. I contacted tech support, they said it was a problem on my ISP and that my connection was poor. While I agree a 100kbps upload isn't good at all, I do expect to upload 100KB in a few minutes and not failing for hours. I can't be too sure about their response as people using my ISP DO upload via ftp. I sent my files to a friend in the US and he graciously uploaded for me. He mentioned it was slow. And then I needed changes on my site. Enter frustration.
HTML Comments, Other Comments and Some VS Tips
Memorystream Not Expandable: Invalid Operation Exception
There's a little gotcha with the MemoryStream class that I just found out. It has 7 constructors. The default constructor has the stream set as expandable, with an initial capacity of 0. The ctors that take the capacity set the capacity to the param, but also keeps the stream expandable. If, however, you use a ctor with the byte[] param, it initializes the stream with the contents of the buffer, but the stream becomes non-expandable.
.Net 3.5 SP1...finally
Fate has a weird sense of humour. I held out from installing .net 3.5 sp1 all through the CTPs, then beta 1 and beta 2. This is also the first time I restrained myself from installing new stuff (coz simply put, having to uninstall a bunch of betas and patches and what not was getting to me). Well, I couldn't hold out any longer. I downloaded the entire thing. My internet is pretty crap, so I had to download the packages individually, then run a command line switch to download the final files. After that, was a quite long install. It failed. I removed silverlight tools. Tried again. Worked perfectly. I played around for a few hours. Made a few apps. Liked the new stuff quite a bit. And then, at 4 am, I went to bed.
Refresh Button and Double Insert / Updates
I saw a few questions on the forums about double posting of data because of users using the refresh buttons in the browser.
Top Answerer: Getting Started on www.asp.net
Just made the top answerer for the Getting Started section on the www.asp.net forums :)
Silverlight 2b2 Screencasts...somebody went nuts!!
You have GOT to be KIDDING me...after the asp.net guys went crazy and posted a lot of great AJAX control toolkit tutorials, the silverlight guys have posted FIFTY TWO (yes 5 and 2) videos on silverlight 2 beta 2.
UrlRewriter.net and Themes
As I mentioned in my last post, I've finally given urlrewriter.net a try - just to get over my php faithful friends who always sneered at us for those .aspx extensions.
Kaspersky and ‘Banner’s
What a coincidence...my second post on my blog is also about Kaspersky. Why do I keep running into the weird things? Anyway, this should also hold for many web content filters.
Hey Kaspersky, Stop Slowing Down My VS
I'm finally starting off this blog about a month after Joe gave it to me...yay, awesome, yahoo (or should that be MS yahoo?).