Artur Trosin's blog
No Pain, No Gain!
Domain Driven Design: Learning
1. Introduction
Separation of Concern vs Single Responsibility Principle ( SoC vs SRP )
These two great principals that stands on the base of many design and architecture decisions. We very often meet these principals in book, articles, blogs, etc... And main question which risen in my head was what they really all about and how they relate to each other? These two principles are totally discrete from each other or their core principle is the same?
Just to remember what these two principles means lets read following statements which defines the each of them: -
The M is MVC or MVP IS or IS NOT a Domain Model Object
On Domain Driven Design yahoo discussion group was raised a very interesting question, what is really the M mean from Model-View-Controller and its derivate brother Model-View-Presenter patterns’ perspective.
From a very long discussion we can see that there lots of opinions on this matter, and there are so many opinions because of different sources which describe the pattern(s) with its little but important differences, many technologies and frameworks which apply the pattern(s) and various developers experience with its specifics, etc..
Here is the link:
Any thoughts?
Best Regards,
Artur Trosin -
How Extension Methods can increase readability
In day by day work, a developer has to branch their logic checking for null, and it is obvious that checks for null are the most common checks in most projects.