Your Daily Cup of WTF - Diet Software

Your daily TheDailyWTF WTF Teaser:

I didn't have any non-support-related or non-code-snippet submissions, and I'm trying to shoot for a bit of variety here :-). So, here's a WTF from yours truly.

For the past year or so, I've been working with a client to develop some rather complex web-based software to allow dieticians and their patients to manage a special diet that is supposed to help people with severe allergies. To populate our database, we copied the USDA's Nutrient Database, which has over 6,000 records, and had the client categorize and delete entries that she didn't want in the system. Interestingly enough, some of the “foods“ in the 2,200 remaining records were Beaver, Horse, Opossum, and of course, my absolute favorite [...]

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