HP spying even more out of control than I thought!

Wow. So heretoforth I didn't publicly post my opinions of the HP pretexting scandal, I did chime in on Scoble's blog but I just read how far it went -- this is totally stalking. 

See Washington Post Article here.

So let's see what's involved here:

1. Sending spyware to journalists. 

2. Faking identities.

3. Keystroke logging.

4. Survallance cameras.

5. Attempted procuring of a lost good.

6. Phone record theft (pretexting).

7. Attempts to intercept text messages. 


Now all this goes on for months, HP gets a detailed report on the whole thing, and Patricia Dunn says she had no idea the extent as to what they were doing?

Talk about not holding herself accountable for her actions.If the private investigation firm hands you a report, how can you possibly claim you had no idea what they did?

Anyhow, this to me, is  so far overboard it's definately in the stalking realm.

What Patricia needs to realize, is that even though this was a means to an end, it was also a really bad means, and the means matters. A really bad means almost always backfires upon you.
When one holds themselves accountable for the really bad means, it doesn't stop the damage in trust that was already done, but it does help the road to recovery. Unfortunately, Patricia has shown an inability to do that, either.


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