Time for an update!

Whew! Finals are finally finished, so I finally get to blog again. Recently, I upgraded my soundcard to a Terratec DMX6 Fire 24/96 -- my old soundblaster live wasn't cutting it anymore. Amazing what a difference a sound card made for audio makes, as compared to one for gaming! One day I'll be able to afford one of those Lynx Two's

Ok, before anyone else says I'm going overboard, I'm an audiophile, and well, my work has to do with speech recognition and dialogue systems. So, sound is my life so to speak. I also got an excellent new microphone, the Andrea ANC-750 which also is helping my demos.

On the dialogue systems front, there are many interesting things happening, though I'm not saying what just yet. All I'll say is watch this space closely.... there should be a new build of ariadne by mid-January, I may not make a public release this time, though.

Lots of trips coming up for me, too:
Winter Break: New York City, Jan 1st - 10th (philadelphia the other part of winter break)
Spring Break: San Francisco, March 6th - 13th
post graduation: Germany (probably Freiburg), June 1st - July 29th

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