Just started reading "Naked Conversations" by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel

So I've only just begun to read "Naked Conversations" by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel and already the impact is setting in (yet I'm still getting through chapter 1!).

Authenticity counts. Actually its more than that -- authenticity is essential for any successful business. If you mislead your consumers, the press, or anyone in your chain about your product and its capabilities you're screwed. However, this goes both directions -- if you strive to do your best and create something wonderful -- and then not only do you let the product speak for itself, people around the world start raving about it and before you know it, you product becomes known and a success. Blogging is about that, and it's funny that I've had this blog for years now, and at first I was dabbling in the medium, and slowly the power of the stories hit me, but then just beginning the book, everything that I was acutely aware of with respect to blogging, authenticity, being accessible to your customers -- smacks me in the face as the most important thing you can do for your company.

Everyone has been burned by a product that didn't live up to expectations in the past. Everyone has seen premature press releases from companies claiming they are going to release the next great wonder product well in advance of something actually solidly working. Blogging, and most importantly, direct, honest, conversations with your customers at all levels, from the partners you interact with to the people who may buy the product is very important in producing good products.

And then to transition from a good to great product -- take the risk.

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