Walk the Line -- One of the best movies ever!

Walk the Line, a movie about the early years of Johnny Cash, is one of the flat out most awesome, amazing movies that I have seen in years. Why?

It's not shy. It tells the hardship, the mania, the obsessiveness, that leads Johnny through some very rough times, and it takes resiliance, grit, and a little love to overcome it all.

Some say greatness takes obsession and mania. I think there is some truth to that. In order to overcome all odds, and see that your dreams come true, you must have the resiliance and determination to see through all the hell that you either put yourself into, or others try to drag you into. When you do, and can finally be true to yourself, is when the greatness starts to happen.

Johnny Cash, in my mind, has one of the all time greatest voices. I found his story very moving - this movie struck a personal chord, as I've seen both myself and some of my dearest friends bounce back from some very difficult situations, and all of us became stronger, better, and more compassionate people as a result.

Compassion & Resiliance is the new greatness. That's what will change the world.

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