Apparently, being a specialist can be nice...

Meeting with Bosch went great. We didn't get to have lunch because we were a tad pressed for time, but looks like they want to consider funding me for a masters degree in Human Computer Interaction or the Language Technologies Institute here at Carnegie Mellon. Only problem is I need to finish up this research proposal by Monday (November 10th)... so I've got my work cut out for me.

Before anyone asks how the heck such things can be thrown on the table after a 30 min. meeting, I should note that I've known most of the Bosch Research Pittsburgh office for 2 years, they've been super supportive of me and come to every one of my prior research presentations, and when I was in California last summer, I was able to present to their Human-Machine Interface Group there. I have to say, presenting to a group of 12 researchers, in which half of them have PhD's in Natural Language Understanding, is pretty intimidating (That was my presentation this past summer in their Palo Alto office). But you get your best feedback from people who know more than you do!

Bosch totally rocks though -- nicest group of people I've met at any company ever!!!

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