"Your good deeds are never forgotten"

So says a fortune cookie from my dinner tonight. I hope Someone Really Special remembers mine. I swear, I feel like I had a whole slew of lessons this week on trust and loyalty in relationships. Sometimes, you have to bend over backwards to let them get their way, and sometimes you have to stand your ground to direct them back onto the right path. And sometimes you have to lose it all to remember what you had.

It's just so incredibly heart breaking seeing someone you care for go forth onto a self-destructive path, then you save them, and then know that you have to terminate the relationship for your own good. Always listen to your close friends, always be good to your close friends, even when they are not good to you or to themselves. Never violate your principles, and always believe in yourself. Lesson for the evening.

And to that SRS if you're out there, take care of yourself. Never underestimate the power of friendship.

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