Windows Services
For this project however, to try out technologies, Windows Services were used. And, I have to admit, after having tried it out, it brings more problems along then it solves. As you have to learn from experience, this was a valuable lesson for future similar projects.
To create a new Windows Service, a template can be used from Visual Studio when creating a new project. This provides a starting class, with the two most important methods, OnStart and OnStop. When you want to start or stop the service from Windows, these methods will be called.
However, these methods had to end in a reasonable time, being 30 seconds. Otherwise the service manager would give an error. It is possible the initialization of a service can take longer. To solve this, a Timer was added to the project, which had an interval of 10, was disabled and had a method listening for its Elapsed event. During the OnStart method, this timer simply was started, and nothing more. This caused the service to start immediately, while it had all the time it needed to perform its initialization inside the Elapsed event.
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) {
this.serviceTimer.Enabled = true;
After this, the Windows Service could be coded just like you would code anything else. When everything was done, it was time to add an installer to install the service into the system. To do this, a new class had to be added to the project which had a RunInstaller attribute set to true, inherited from Installer and included the following using statements:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Configuration.Install;
namespace MediaService.Player {
public class PlayerServiceInstaller: Installer {
private ServiceInstaller PlayerInstaller;
private ServiceProcessInstaller PlayerProcessInstaller;
public PlayerServiceInstaller() {
this.PlayerInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
this.PlayerInstaller.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Manual;
this.PlayerInstaller.ServiceName = "MediaServicePlayer";
this.PlayerInstaller.DisplayName = "MediaService - Media Player";
this.PlayerProcessInstaller = new ServiceProcessInstaller();
this.PlayerProcessInstaller.Account = ServiceAccount.User;
} /* PlayerServiceInstaller */

During the installation, a log was be generated, and a dialog box appeared, allowing configuring the account the service had to run under. After this, the service was successfully installed and accessible from MMC.